Strange but True Auto Insurance Claim

My first year of coverage was unusual for a number of reasons, but this was the worst time I have ever experienced. It looks like our client took the gun and fired it. However, when he tried to catch the gun or collision with a pedestrian gun, the gunman threw it into the garage room.

The customer came to the office the next day to take care of some of the insurance problems and explain the damage to the car. Small cars were dispersed by head coverings, surface mirrors and seat covers. I was a new customer and I heard this story and I immediately recognized the "auto" claim incident.

The overall coverage of the car system is extensive and covers many exotic accidents. Formerly known as most “accidental” or OTC policies, they offer flood protection, damage, rain, wind, and theft. It also offers cover for anything that isn't removed!

Yes, I guessed it. Your rifle bullet is covered with a gun until the cups are not intentionally made. Yes, the insurance company paid for the new interior decoration, while the insurer had to pay only for the deduction.

If you execute your vehicle ... fortunately, call a friend and tell the neighbor that "conflict is not." I hope that if today comes you are a Hettler Insurance customer.

Car Insurance Claims: 15 of the Most Bizarre Excuses Ever Filed

Real (and really odd) excuses about car accidents made for insurance claims.

Blame the in-laws

“I pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my mother-in-law, and headed over the embankment.” Probably not the best route for family bonding. Check out these other 27 funny (but painfully relatable) family vacation stories.

Seeing is believing

“I thought my window was down but I found it was up when I put my head through it.” Probably not the most effective way to think with your head.

No warning

“The other car collided with mine without giving me warning of its intention.” The question is: Did the other car know its intention either? Maybe the driver was distracted by one of these 15 funny signs from around the world.
